At last the day came and I returned from our neighborhood bookstore carrying a copy of One Night @ The Call Centre. I promptly dumped the Anton Chekov short story collection and started my journey with Chetan (the story starts with a train journey).
I guess, most of you guys have read the teaser published before the launching of the book. So had I. Hence skipped a few pages to where our narrator starts his.....well, narration. For the kind information of all the blockheads and papads out there, One Night @ The Call Centre tells us what happened to a bunch of call center employees during the span of a night!

This particular 'One Night' our agents don't have much work due to some technical problems in their network. So, they have a lot of time to talk, think, bitch about their stupid boss Bakshi and in general let us know what was happening in their lives till then. All have their own problems and with the layoff looming in the near future, everything looks bleak to our friends.
I'll stop here and let you be 'surprised' if you are really going to read ON@CC. You won't get any insights to what the real call centre agents are facing daily. Its better to ask those night-birds in your friends circle. The book is aimed at the young generation. Supposedly the so-called 'youth' don't have any clear vision, are chicken-hearted and do everything their friends do so as to appear 'cool'. They just want some bucks, don't think about what they really want in life and simply follow the metropolitan culture (whatever it might be!). many arrows!
The message: listen to your heart! Filmy....veryyy filmy. ON@CC has a lot of flaws, which really dampened my reading. I didn't like it as much as Five Point Someone. May be it is the high expectation level. Or may be because I can predict most of the things as everything sticks to the Chetan-style. But, may be you will like it. So, try it. After all its a light-read and costs only Rs.95!
Categories: Chetan Bhagat, Book, Review, Book Review
Hi , Krishna .
I just finished the Novel "One Night at call center" and to be frank that was a let down.
I liked 5 Point someone very much.
may be because I could relate the engineering student - days. And even i worked in a call center for 1 year , i could not realte the with the this book.
Anyway i started with the third one today and hope that wont be a mistake.
And another thing I want to share is that - i just completed a small novel an posted it in blogsopt.
The link is :
Not sure when exactly u r going to see this.Your last post was on: 3/8/2006 10.48.00 PM. :)
Expecting your reply..
hi there ,
Nice blog!!
I maintain a similar one... Would be pleased if u checked that out too..
hii guyz!
i liked ur blogs .as i hv also made blogs so i want u to read n plz help me in dis......
it was an excelent novel.....
although i hate reading novel but chetan bhagat's all novels are ammazing and very intresting..
and nw iam despiratly waiting for his new edition...........
The book is aimed at the young generation. Supposedly the so-called 'youth' don't have any clear vision, are chicken-hearted and do everything their friends do so as to appear 'cool'. They just want some bucks, don't think about what they really want in life and simply follow the metropolitan culture (whatever it might be!).
i like it..
visit now
It is the only book that i have literally thrown into the trash can. For all the love and regard i have for books, that was an exceptionaly hard thing to do.But you know that feeling of contempt when you just have to let it out. That and some more lent quite some force to my throw.
The writing profession is getting a bad name if such stupidters are allowed to litter the literature landscape.
Mr Bhagat with his all that smiley face, that crew cut hair and the round spectatled nose might just as well give up on writing and do some IITing. If he cant do that at least he should spare the unsuspecting public with his stupid, moronish writing.
You may be from an IIT (your certainly dont write like one) and you may have a funny face Mr Bhagat but pardon me... you write trash and trash is where it should belong.
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